Medical Marvels
Exciting Veterinary Advances
Over the past 15 years, the veterinary field has witnessed remarkable advancements that have transformed the care of our beloved animals. From innovative prosthetic limbs to intriguing developments like doggy dentures, these breakthroughs have propelled veterinary healthcare forward.
Stem Cells: A Healing Marvel
In the last decade, stem cell therapy for companion animals has surged in popularity. Stem cells, extracted from the animal’s fat cells, are processed and then injected back into the affected area. This technology has yielded impressive results, particularly in treating arthritis in cats and dogs, as well as addressing issues with joints, tendons, and ligaments in horses. While opinions on this procedure vary, the underlying research is undeniably impressive.
The mechanism behind stem cell therapy is fascinating. Stem cells are the body’s natural repair agents, capable of transforming into various tissues such as fat, skin, bone, cartilage, and even entire organs. Under anesthesia, fat cells containing stem cells are harvested, processed for concentration, and then reintroduced into the problematic joints or areas. This process is relatively easy and painless for the animal, compared to other costly procedures. Stem cell therapy is gaining worldwide popularity, and the results thus far are highly promising.
Prosthetic Limbs: A New Lease on Life
Prosthetic limb technology, initially successful in humans, has now extended its benefits to our furry friends. The same innovative concepts are customized to meet the unique needs of pets, providing solutions for missing limbs, whether it’s a leg, stifle, hock, elbow, knee, wrist, ankle, paw, or carpus. These advancements have given pets, including those previously facing euthanasia due to multiple limb loss, a renewed lease on life. Witnessing these pets running alongside their families is truly heartwarming.
Doggie Dentures: Uncommon but Real
While it may sound like something out of a quirky commercial, fake teeth, or “doggie dentures,” do exist in the dog world. Some dogs, particularly those in the dog-show circuit, have reportedly undergone procedures to replace crooked or unhealthy teeth, albeit against the advice of many veterinarians. However, some police dogs in the United States have been fitted with titanium false teeth to enhance their bite capacity and ability to apprehend suspects without damaging their natural teeth. These metallic teeth, implanted in the upper jaws, extend the working life of these valuable animals and prove more cost-effective than retraining new ones. Around 600 working dogs in the USA receive these metallic teeth implants annually.
Advances in Cancer Treatment
Cancer has tragically led to the euthanasia of countless dogs and cats. Fortunately, the veterinary world has made significant strides in combating cancer in our pets, offering them the chance to lead full and extended lives. Treatment options include surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, hyperthermia (heating), cryosurgery (freezing), and immunotherapy. Specialized cancer veterinarians, known as Oncologists, are equipped to provide the best possible care.
Since 2009, scientists have been refining treatments for cancer, achieving promising results with the drug nitrosylcobalamin (NO-Cbl). This powerful drug infiltrates cancer cells, eliminating them from within without any negative side effects. This research has led to the successful treatment and cure of challenging cancers in companion animals, paving the way for human trials. With drugs like nitrosylcobalamin on the horizon, pets have a brighter future with the potential for longer, happier lives.
Nadia Crighton is a well-known and accomplished Australian Journalist and pet magazine Editor. As a busy mum of four humans, two dogs, 50 sheep, three cats, a handful of chickens and a goat named Billy, she simply adores pets of all shapes and sizes.
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