Keep Australia Beautiful – Pet Style
It’s one of the most important weeks of the year, Keep Australia Beautiful. From the 21st to the 27th of August all Australians are urged to get out and help keep this amazing country looking beautiful.
“We are all so lucky to live in such a beautiful spot in the world,” Nadia Crighton from Pet Insurance Australia says. “Every Australian should take pride in this wonderful land of ours and get behind this fantastic week.”
With statistics showing that dog owners are much more likely to be out and about enjoying nature on a daily basis, it only makes sense that the pet loving community are encouraged to take part.
“Make it a ritual that on your daily dog walk to pick up rubbish,” Crighton suggests. “This one simple step can really help ensure your local area is kept looking beautiful.”
The pledge for 2017 from the organisers of Keep Australia Beautiful Week is simple; pick up one piece of rubbish every day for the full week.
Making litter collection a part of your daily activity could have a huge impact on the overall health of the nation’s environment.
“Pet owners use and enjoy some of the most beautiful areas around town,” Crighton says. “From parks to trail walks, beaches and bushlands, pet owners have regular access to these great locations. Being directly involved in keeping these areas beautiful is pretty special and something we should all consider.”
It’s also about being proactive.
“It’s wonderful to see how picking up after your dog has become the ‘norm’ however, many dog owners will tell you of over-flowing park bins full of these little blue bags, or worst still, these poop-bags thrown into bushes or parklands,” Crighton says. “If you notice this is becoming a problem in your area, report it to your council and ask for more bins. Band together as responsible dog owners to prevent this becoming a problem in your dog exercise area.”
Litter is a nationwide problem. It is estimated that around $350 million is spent each year in NSW on battling the litter problem. In Western Australia, it’s around $30 million per year cleaning up litter, while in South Australia the figure is around $20 million. In Victoria alone, street sweeping costs in excess of $98 million per annum.
“Litter is a huge cost to us all,” Crighton says. “By all doing our small part, we can all make a huge difference.”
Nadia Crighton is a renowned and accomplished professional in the fields of Journalism, Public Relations, and Writing, with an extensive career spanning over 25 years, 20 of which have been dedicated to promoting the health and well-being of pets.
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