Celebrating Pets – National Families Week
Pet Insurance Australia is celebrating beloved companion animals across Australia.
“It’s National Families Week and as the country comes together to celebrate everything great about Australian families, PIA wants to recognize the most fury family member of all…our beloved companion animals.”
From the 14th to the 20th of May, to coincide with the United Nationals International Day of Families, many organisations and companies across Australia will be celebrating the critical role families’ play in society.
“Australia has one of the highest incidence of pet ownership in the world,” Nadia Crighton spokesperson for Pet Insurance Australia says. “Without an inch of a doubt our pets are engrained as very important members of our family.”
PIA is encouraging all Aussies to take the time this week and celebrate their beloved family, including the family pet.
“Take the time out for each other, and remember how lucky we all are to live in such a great country with such wonderful family values,” Crighton says. “And don’t forget to include the family pet.”
The importance of having a family pet is more evident today then ever before. Recently the completion of a 10 year study in the UK proved that children are much more likely to confide in their pets than their siblings or friends. The bond with the family pet has helped countless children face a broad range of difficult and emotional issues.
“The role our pets play in our family is much larger and deeper than anyone could have imagined 20 years ago,” Pet Insurance Australia spokesperson Nadia Crighton says. “There is now concrete evidence that having a pet in our homes is a huge advantage for ourselves, and our children, on so many levels.”
The love we have for our pets is even being further documented across the globe. A recent study by a Japanese University has confirmed that the chemical ‘love hormone’ known as oxytocin is evident after dogs’ and their owners gaze into each other eyes.
“Our pets are now, more than ever, an important and needed aspect to many Australian families,” Crighton says. “From helping children cope with emotional issues, being there for us in our times of need, and just brining a smile and a feeling of unconditional love to every day life. It’s a fact that a life with a pet, is a life full of happiness and love.”
Nadia Crighton – nadia@petinsuranceaustralia.com.au
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Contact information: Nadia Crighton, Pet Insurance Australia, 95 Sixth Road, Berkshire Park, New South Wales 2765
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